For testing and fault finding loudspeaker circuits your multimeter is helpful. You can measure the amplifiers output AC voltage, check for earth faults and continuity.

PAVA Fault Finding Meter

Zircle – PAVA Fault Finding Meter

Where it lets you down is trying to measure the resistance of a loudspeaker circuit. The results are inconsistent. A healthy and faulty circuit can give similar or very different readings. You can’t even refer to a spec sheet as the resistance is never given, so you really are in the dark.

This is because all PAVA loudspeakers are fitted with a transformer. The DC resistance in these transformers varies with age, quality and design and it’s not written anywhere. Then there’s the cable resistance and how many and what type of loudspeakers are connected. If they are tapped differently that too will alter the

Essentially, your multimeter for loudspeaker circuit measurement is a random number generator.

But that all changes when you own a Zircle Impedance Meter

Swap your multimeter for a Zircle and repeat the test, now you’ll find a consistency and clarity. The impedance measurements will be quite different comparing healthy to faulty loudspeaker circuits.

Even better the measurements will be different for a short circuit compared to an open circuit and different again to a healthy circuit. This gives you a quick way to identify which circuits are healthy and which have a problem.

The time this saves you and the chargeable work it will generate in one visit will more than pay for a Zircle.

Also by itself, impedance is confusing

Many impedance meters leave you to calculate the watts, which is annoying when the amplifier and loudspeakers are rated in watts – it’s confusing too.

You’d think having worked on sound systems for decades we would not be baffled by impedance, but we are. For example, if we had an impedance meter that just displays impedance, we might read 75 ohms but our brain thinks 75 watts. Then there’s the issue that Impedance goes lower the more loudspeakers that are connected.

This brain fail with watts and ohms can cause you to waste a lot of time chasing phantom faults until you realise your mistake.

That’s why the Zircle displays both the watts and impedance

Watts is more sensible, it goes up when you have more loudspeakers and of course amplifiers and loudspeakers are rated that way too.

The Zircle is simple to use but hides some clever tech

Most impedance meters require you to select different ranges depending on the impedance you are reading. This is a pain and it’s easy to make a mistake. You set your range to 0-20 ohms and connect the meter but the circuit is 60 ohms, now you have to change ranges then repeat the test. You then move on to the next circuit and that annoyingly is 300 ohms so another double test.

The Zircle has done away with all that faffing around. It’s agile processor instantly switches to the right range and within a second you have an accurate reading.

That’s a big time hog dealt with.

Zircle has a great fault finding mode too

By yourself, fault finding loudspeaker circuits are maddening and slow. You shuttle between the rack and the loudspeaker circuit many times and each journey can take more than five minutes.

Without the Zircle Impedance Meter, solving just one loudspeaker circuit fault can take hours. If you only fix one fault in a shift your boss may question your competency, when the reality is you don’t have the right meter.

The Zircle’s walk test mode makes fault finding easy, especially if you are working alone – common on call outs. To activate this mode press the TEST button twice, the test tone will now stay on. Then using the crocodile clips connect the Zircle to the loudspeaker circuit.

Now you can go find which loudspeakers are on that circuit.

When fault finding an open circuit you can find where the tone stops and then investigate the cabling to the next loudspeaker. You’ll know if you fix the issue as the tone will then be heard through the reconnected loudspeaker.

For short circuits, you can split the loudspeaker circuit. Then if all the loudspeakers before the split start broadcasting the Zircle tone, you know the short is further along. If they stay silent you need to break the circuit closer to the start.

The Zircle tone is quiet, this means fewer people will complain if you must fault find when staff and customers are about. It also makes it easier to tell which loudspeakers are broadcasting the tone and which are not, very useful when they are close together or the space is echoey. Just have a spare PP3 battery to hand – you can buy more when ordering your Zircle.

What do I get with my Zircle?

It comes in its own padded zip case. We also include a Duracell™ battery and probes. The probes come with attachable (therefore detachable) crocodile clips, useful for the walk test mode.

There’s an optional Magztrap too.

We have used these with our own meters and found them mighty useful. This magnetic strap allows you to hang the meter, freeing your hands. The MagZtrap consists of a strap and a magnet encased in plastic. The magnet is the very strong neodymium type. At the top of the Zircle you’ll notice a slot. The MagZtrap strap passes through it and you can hang the Zircle from any nearby ferromagnetic material. You can add this to the order page and buy extras for your other meters.

For 90 days after we ship you’ll get a full refund too

Just email us within 90 days of receiving it, then post it all back to us (Zircle, zip case, battery and test leads). Once we get it back provided its working we’ll refund everything you paid. That means if the Zircle is physically damaged but works fine you will still get a full refund.

How do I cancel my order?

Just send us an email to with some details so we can identify you and we’ll refund you.

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